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25 l/min.
Stuffing box
Stator NBR light
Eccentric screw pump tube B70V-SR Industry Eccentric screw pump tube B70V-SR Industry
with reduction gear for electric motors
Description: The Eccentric screw pump B70V-SR 25.1 (with reduction gear) in the industrial...
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50 l/min
Mechanical seal (GLRD)
Stator NBR light
Eccentric screw pump tube B70V-SR Industry Eccentric screw pump tube B70V-SR Industry
with reduction gear for electric motors
Description: The Eccentric screw pump B70V-SR 50.1 (with reduction gear) in the industrial...
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50 l/min.
Stuffing box
Stator NBR Bright
Eccentric screw pump tube B70V-SR Industry Eccentric screw pump tube B70V-SR Industry
with reduction gear for electric motors
Description: The Eccentric screw pump B70V-SR 50.1 (with reduction gear) in the industrial...
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Mechanical seal (GLRD)
Stator PTFE
Eccentric screw pump tube B70V HD-SR Industry Eccentric screw pump tube B70V HD-SR Industry
with circulation/flushing connection for...
Description: The B70V HD-SR Eccentric screw pump in the industrial version is suitable for...
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12 l/min.
Mechanical seal (GLRD)
Eccentric screw pump tube B70V-D Industry Eccentric screw pump tube B70V-D Industry
for three-phase motors
Description: The B70V-D 12.1 Eccentric screw pump in the industrial version is a powerful...
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12 l/min.
Stop bushing
Stator PTFE
Eccentric screw pump tube B70V-D Industry Eccentric screw pump tube B70V-D Industry
for three-phase motors up to 400 Volt
Description: The Eccentric screw pump B70V-D 12.1 in the industrial version is a powerful...
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25 l/min.
Mechanical seal (GLRD)
Stator NBR light
Eccentric screw pump tube B70V-D Industry Eccentric screw pump tube B70V-D Industry
for three-phase motors
Description: The Eccentric screw pump B70V-D 25.1 in the industrial version is a powerful...
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25 l/min.
Stuffing box
Stator NBR light
Eccentric screw pump tube B70V-D Industry Eccentric screw pump tube B70V-D Industry
for three-phase motors
Description: The Eccentric screw pump B70V-D 25.1 in the industrial version is a powerful...
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50 l/min.
Mechanical seal (GLRD)
Stator PTFE
Eccentric screw pump tube B70V Industry Eccentric screw pump tube B70V Industry
for three-phase motors up to 400 Volt
Description: The B70V 25.1 Eccentric screw pump in the steel version is a powerful positive...
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50 l/min.
Mechanical seal (GLRD)
Stator NBR light
Eccentric screw pump tube B70V-D Industry Eccentric screw pump tube B70V-D Industry
for three-phase motors
Description: The Eccentric screw pump B70V-D 50.1 in the industrial version is a powerful...
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50.1 l/min.
Stuffing box
Stator NBR light
Eccentric screw pump tube B70V-D Industry Eccentric screw pump tube B70V-D Industry
for three-phase motors
Description: The Eccentric screw pump B70V-D 50.1 in the industrial version is a powerful...
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75 l/min.
Mechanical seal (GLRD)
Stator NBR light
Eccentric screw pump tube B70V-D Industry Eccentric screw pump tube B70V-D Industry
for three-phase motors
Description: The B70V-D 75.1 Eccentric screw pump in the industrial version is a powerful...
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